Whole-liver flip-angle shimming at 7 T using parallel-transmit kT-point pulses and Fourier phase-encoded DREAM B1+ mapping

Bobby A. Runderkamp, Thomas Roos, Wietske van der Zwaag, Gustav J. Strijkers, Matthan W.A. Caan, Aart J. Nederveen*

*Corresponding author for this work

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Purpose: To obtain homogeneous signal throughout the human liver at 7 T. Flip angle (FA) shimming in 7T whole-liver imaging was performed through parallel-transmit kT-point pulses based on subject-specific multichannel absolute (Formula presented.) maps from Fourier phase-encoded dual refocusing echo acquisition mode (PE-DREAM). Methods: The optimal number of Fourier phase-encoding steps for PE-DREAM (Formula presented.) mapping was determined for a 7T eight-channel parallel-transmission system. FA shimming experiments were performed in the liver of 7 healthy subjects with varying body mass index. In these subjects, first (Formula presented.) shimming and Fourier PE-DREAM (Formula presented.) mapping were performed. Subsequently, three small-flip-angle 3D gradient-echo scans were acquired, comparing a circularly polarized (CP) mode, a phase shim, and a kT-point pulse. Resulting homogeneity was assessed and compared with estimated FA maps and distributions. Results: Fourier PE-DREAM with 13 phase-encoding steps resulted in a good tradeoff between (Formula presented.) accuracy and scan time. Lower coefficient of variation values (average [min-max] across subjects) of the estimated FA in the volume of interest were observed using kT-points (7.4 [6.6%–8.0%]), compared with phase shimming (18.8 [12.9%–23.4%], p < 0.001) and CP (43.2 [39.4%–47.1%], p < 0.001). kT-points delivered whole-liver images with the nominal FA and the highest degree of homogeneity. CP and phase shimming resulted in either inaccurate or imprecise FA distributions. Here, locations having suboptimal FA in the estimated FA maps corresponded to liver areas suffering from inconsistent signal intensity and T1-weighting in the gradient-echo scans. Conclusion: Homogeneous whole-liver 3D gradient-echo acquisitions at 7 T can be obtained with eight-channel kT-point pulses calculated based on subject-specific multichannel absolute Fourier PE-DREAM (Formula presented.) maps.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)75-90
Number of pages16
JournalMagnetic Resonance in Medicine
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2024


  • 7 T
  • flip-angle shimming
  • Fourier phase-encoded DREAM
  • k-points
  • liver
  • parallel transmission


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