title = "Three-dimensional scaffolds of fetal decellularized hearts exhibit enhanced potential to support cardiac cells in comparison to the adult",
abstract = "A main challenge in cardiac tissue engineering is the limited data on microenvironmental cues that sustain survival, proliferation and functional proficiency of cardiac cells. The aim of our study was to evaluate the potential of fetal (E18) and adult myocardial extracellular matrix (ECM) to support cardiac cells. Acellular three-dimensional (3D) bioscaffolds were obtained by parallel decellularization of fetal- and adult-heart explants thereby ensuring reliable comparison. Acellular scaffolds retained main constituents of the cardiac ECM including distinctive biochemical and structural meshwork features of the native equivalents. In vitro, fetal and adult ECM-matrices supported 3D culture of heart-derived Sca-1+ progenitors and of neonatal cardiomyocytes, which migrated toward the center of the scaffold and displayed elongated morphology and excellent viability. At the culture end-point, more Sca-1+ cells and cardiomyocytes were found adhered and inside fetal bioscaffolds, compared to the adult. Higher repopulation yields of Sca-1+ cells on fetal ECM relied on β1-integrin independent mitogenic signals. Sca-1+ cells on fetal bioscaffolds showed a gene expression profile that anticipates the synthesis of a permissive microenvironment for cardiomyogenesis. Our findings demonstrate the superior potential of the 3D fetal microenvironment to support and instruct cardiac cells. This knowledge should be integrated in the design of next-generation biomimetic materials for heart repair.",
keywords = "3D scaffolds, Cardiac tissue engineering, Decellularization, Extracellular matrix, Fetal microenvironments",
author = "Silva, {A. C.} and Rodrigues, {S. C.} and J. Caldeira and Nunes, {A. M.} and V. Sampaio-Pinto and Resende, {T. P.} and Oliveira, {M. J.} and Barbosa, {M. A.} and S. Thorsteinsd{\'o}ttir and Nascimento, {D. S.} and P. Pinto-do-{\'O}",
note = "Funding Information: The authors are indebted to Paula Sampaio (IBMC/i3S), Daniela Silva (CEMUP) and Rui Fernandes (IBMC/i3S) for all the help and expertise shared in confocal, scanning and transmission electron microscopy. A special thanks to Isabel F. Amaral, Cristina Barrias and Didier Cabanes for sharing reagents; and all members of Pinto-do-{\'O} laboratory for relevant critical discussion. This work was financed by PTDC/SAUORG/118297/2010 , FEDER - Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional funds through the COMPETE 2020 - Operacional Programme for Competitiveness and Internationalisation (POCI), Portugal 2020, and by Portuguese funds through FCT - Funda{\c c}{\~a}o para a Ci{\^e}ncia e a Tecnologia/Minist{\'e}rio da Ci{\^e}ncia, Tecnologia e Inova{\c c}{\~a}o in the framework of the project “ Institute for Research and Innovation in Health Sciences ”- POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007274 and individual fellowships (SFRH/BD/88780/2012 to A.C.S., BI-PTDC/SAU-ORG/118297/2010 to A.M.N., SFRH/BPD/78187/2011 to J.C., SFRH/BPD/80588/2011 to T.P.R and SFRH/BD/111799/2015 to V.S.P.). PPO was recipient of an invited scientist grant by Institut Pasteur, Paris, France. MJO is Portuguese Science Foundation Fellow (FCT-Investigator 2012). The authors are indebted to Dr. Todd McDevitt for critical revision of the manuscript. Publisher Copyright: {\textcopyright} 2016 Elsevier Ltd",
year = "2016",
month = oct,
day = "1",
doi = "10.1016/j.biomaterials.2016.06.062",
language = "English",
volume = "104",
pages = "52--64",
journal = "Biomaterials",
issn = "0142-9612",
publisher = "Elsevier",