The relevance of tumor target expression levels on IgA-mediated cytotoxicity in cancer immunotherapy

Chilam Chan, Núria Casalé Cabanes, J H Marco Jansen, Joël Guillaume, Maaike Nederend, Elsemieke M Passchier, Valentina E Gómez-Mellado, Matthias Peipp, Marianne Boes, Geert van Tetering, Jeanette H W Leusen

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Recent advances in cancer immunotherapy, particularly the success of immune checkpoint inhibitors, have reignited interest in targeted monoclonal antibodies for immunotherapy. Antibody therapies aim to minimize on-target, off-tumor toxicity by targeting antigens overexpressed on tumor cells but not on healthy cells. Despite considerable efforts, some therapeutic antibodies have been linked to dose-limiting side effects. Our hypothesis suggests that the efficacy of IgG leads to a lower target expression threshold for tumor cell killing, contributing to these side effects. Earlier, therapeutic IgG antibodies were reformatted into the IgA isotype. Unlike IgG, which primarily engages Fc gamma receptors (FcγR) to induce antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) by NK cells and antibody-dependent cellular phagocytosis (ADCP) by monocytes/macrophages, IgA antibodies activate neutrophils through the Fc alpha receptor I (CD89, FcαRI). In previous studies, it appeared that IgA may require a higher target expression threshold for effective killing, and we aimed to investigate this in our current study. Moreover, we investigated how blocking the myeloid checkpoint CD47/SIRPα axis affect the target expression threshold. Using a tetracycline-inducible expression system, we regulated target expression in different cell lines. Our findings from ADCC assays indicate that IgA-mediated PMN ADCC requires a higher antigen expression level than IgG-mediated PBMC ADCC. Furthermore, blocking CD47 enhanced IgA-mediated ADCC, lowering the antigen threshold. Validated in two in vivo models, our results show that IgA significantly reduces tumor growth in high-antigen-expressing tumors without affecting low-antigen-expressing healthy tissues. This suggests IgA-based immunotherapy could potentially minimize on-target, off-tumor side effects, improving treatment efficacy and patient safety.

Original languageEnglish
Article number238
JournalCancer Immunology, Immunotherapy
Issue number12
Publication statusPublished - 3 Oct 2024


  • Antigen expression levels
  • CD47/SIRPα
  • IgA
  • Immunotherapy
  • Neutrophils


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