The existence of two sources in rolandic epilepsy: Confirmation with high resolution EEG, MEG and fMRl

W van der Meij, GJM Huiskamp*, GJM Rutten, GH Wieneke, AC van Huffelen, O van Nieuwenhuizen

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In benign rolandic epilepsy seizure semiology suggests that the epileptic focus resides in the lower sensorimotor cortex. Previous studies involving dipole modeling based on 32 channel EEG have confirmed this localization. These studies have also suggested that two distinct dipole sources are required to adequately describe the typical interictal spikes. Since in benign epilepsy invasive validation is prohibited, this study tries to further establish these results using a multi-modal approach, involving 32 channel EEG, high resolution 84 channel EEG, 151 channel MEG and fMRI. From one patient interictal spikes were recorded and analyzed using the MUSIC algorithm in a realistic volume conductor model. In an fMRI experiment the same patient performed voluntary tongue movements, thus mimicking a typical seizure. Results show that EEG, MEG and fMRI localization converge on the same area in the lower part of the sensorimotor cortex, and that high resolution EEG clearly reveals two distinct sources, one in the post- and one in the pre-central cortex.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)275-282
Number of pages8
JournalBrain Topography
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 2001


  • rolandic epilepsy
  • EEG
  • MEG
  • fMRI


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