Tackling 'Othering' by Reinventing International Medical Electives

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterAcademicpeer-review


This chapter, based on extensive ethnographic research in a rural hospital in Northwest Cameroon, contributes to scholarly debates about the value of
International Medical Electives (IMEs). It aims at filling the knowledge gap at
hospital level on staff dynamics and its short-term and long-term effects on
building equitable international relationships in healthcare. The findings show
that the international students as well as the Cameroonian health workers and
students engage in all kinds of processes of othering that contribute to the establishment ofadichotomy between “us” and “them”. Although this is a way of coping with challenging situations, it hinders the building of stronger and equitable relationships, both at individual level (visiting student to rest of the staff, and vice versa) and institutional level (education institute to hospital and vice versa). The aim of this chapter is to encourage education institutes in High-Income Countries (HICs) to take up their responsibility to prevent harmful interactions, and improve their international internship support programs. The realworld examples can be used in pre-departure trainings to encourage students to practice reflexivity. This will also contribute to the agenda of the Sustainable Development Goals.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationBioethics and Racism
Subtitle of host publicationPractices, Conflicts, Negotiations and Struggles
EditorsCarlo Botrugno, Marcia Mocellin Raymundo, Lucia Re
Place of PublicationBoston
Publisherde Gruyter
Number of pages33
ISBN (Electronic)9783110765120
ISBN (Print)9783110765106
Publication statusPublished - 6 Mar 2023


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