Spine Trauma Outcome Measures for Patients and Clinicians

Said Sadiqi

    Research output: ThesisDoctoral thesis 1 (Research UU / Graduation UU)

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    Many issues remain unresolved concerning the optimal management of spine trauma. There is a real need for outcome instrument(s) specifically designed for spine trauma patients. Such instruments would make it possible to compare outcomes of spine injuries between and within studies in a valid and reliable fashion, contributing to the advancement of spine trauma care and research. At the start of our study, no outcome measure was specifically designed or validated for spinal column injury patients with only mild, transient or no neurological impairment. Similarly, no clinician-reported measure was available for spine trauma patients.

    The aforementioned challenges were adopted, and using a solid methodology and conducting various preparatory studies led to the development of such instruments, which have the potential to be applied in a worldwide setting. Two outcomes measurement instruments were developed: one from the patient’s perspective (AOSpine PROST [Patient Reported Outcome Spine Trauma]), and another from the perspective of the treating surgeons (AOSpine CROST [Clinician Reported Outcome Spine Trauma]).

    With the development of the AOSpine PROST and AOSpine CROST, and once the validation studies are completed, there is a significant potential to eventually contribute to the standardization of outcome measures in spine trauma. Treating surgeons around the world are encouraged to use these tools in daily clinical practice and for research purposes to create and contribute to evidence-based and patient-centered care. Using the same outcome measures that are specifically developed and validated for traumatic spine injuries will allow us to compare the outcomes of various treatments in a valid and reproducible fashion to reduce the ongoing controversies and provide the best treatments for our patients.
    Original languageEnglish
    Awarding Institution
    • University Medical Center (UMC) Utrecht
    • Oner, Cumhur, Primary supervisor
    • Post, Marcel, Supervisor
    • Verlaan, Jorrit-Jan, Co-supervisor
    Award date5 Oct 2018
    Print ISBNs978-94-93019-92-8
    Publication statusPublished - 5 Oct 2018


    • Spine Trauma
    • Outcome Instrument
    • AOSpine PROST
    • AOSpine CROST
    • Functioning
    • Health


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