Sensible Introduction of MR-Guided Radiotherapy: A Warm Plea for the RCT

Helena M Verkooijen, Lauren E Henke

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Magnetic resonance guided radiotherapy (MRgRT) is the newest face of technology within a field long-characterized by continual technologic advance. MRgRT may offer improvement in the therapeutic index of radiation by offering novel planning types, like online adaptation, and improved image guidance, but there is a paucity of randomized data or ongoing randomized controlled trials (RCTs) to demonstrate clinical gains. Strong clinical evidence is needed to confirm the theoretical advantages of MRgRT and for the rapid dissemination of (and reimbursement for) appropriate use. Although some future evidence for MRgRT may come from large registries and non-randomized studies, RCTs should make up the core of this future data, and should be undertaken with thoughtful preconception, endpoints that incorporate patient-reported outcomes, and warm collaboration across existing MRgRT platforms. The advance and future success of MRgRT hinges on collaborative pursuit of the RCT.

Original languageEnglish
Article number652889
Number of pages6
JournalFrontiers in oncology
Publication statusPublished - 19 Mar 2021


  • MR-guided radiotherapy
  • MRgRT
  • RCT
  • evaluation
  • evidence


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