Secondary autoimmune diseases occurring after HSCT for an autoimmune disease: a retrospective study of the EBMT Autoimmune Disease Working Party

T Daikeler, M. Labopin, M Di Gioia, M. Abinun, T. Alexander, I. Miniati, F. Gualandi, A. Fassas, T. Martin, C.P. Schwarze, N.M. Wulffraat, M. Buch, A. Sampol, E. Carreras, B. Dubois, B. Gruhn, T. Gungor, D. Pohlreich, A.J. Schuerwegh, E. SnarskiJ. Snowden, P. Veys, A. Fasth, S. Lenhoff, C. Messina, J. Voswinkel, M. Badoglio, J. Henes, D. Launay, A. Tyndall, E. Gluckman, D. Farge

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1693-1698
Number of pages6
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - 2011

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