Robust compression and detection of epileptiform patterns in ECoG using a real-time spiking neural network hardware framework

Filippo Costa*, Eline V. Schaft, Geertjan Huiskamp, Erik J. Aarnoutse, Maryse A. van’t Klooster, Niklaus Krayenbühl, Georgia Ramantani, Maeike Zijlmans, Giacomo Indiveri, Johannes Sarnthein*

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Interictal Epileptiform Discharges (IED) and High Frequency Oscillations (HFO) in intraoperative electrocorticography (ECoG) may guide the surgeon by delineating the epileptogenic zone. We designed a modular spiking neural network (SNN) in a mixed-signal neuromorphic device to process the ECoG in real-time. We exploit the variability of the inhomogeneous silicon neurons to achieve efficient sparse and decorrelated temporal signal encoding. We interface the full-custom SNN device to the BCI2000 real-time framework and configure the setup to detect HFO and IED co-occurring with HFO (IED-HFO). We validate the setup on pre-recorded data and obtain HFO rates that are concordant with a previously validated offline algorithm (Spearman’s ρ = 0.75, p = 1e-4), achieving the same postsurgical seizure freedom predictions for all patients. In a remote on-line analysis, intraoperative ECoG recorded in Utrecht was compressed and transferred to Zurich for SNN processing and successful IED-HFO detection in real-time. These results further demonstrate how automated remote real-time detection may enable the use of HFO in clinical practice.

Original languageEnglish
Article number3255
Pages (from-to)1-12
Number of pages12
JournalNature Communications
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 16 Apr 2024


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