Response assessment to neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy for esophageal cancer using PET/CT and DW-MRI

A. Borggreve, L. Goense, P. S. N. Van Rossum, S. E. Heethuis, R. Van Hillegersberg, J. J. W. Lagendijk, A. L. H. M. W. Van Lier, S. Mook, J. P. Ruurda, M. Van Vulpen, F. E. Voncken, B. M. P. Aleman, A. Bartels-Rutten, J. Ma, P. Fang, B. C. Musall, S. H. Lin, G. J. Meijer

Research output: Contribution to journalMeeting AbstractAcademic


Material and Methods
In this prospective multicenter study, patients scheduled
to receive nCRT followed by esophagectomy for resectable
esophageal cancer underwent 18F-FDG PET/CT and DW-MRI
scanning prior to start of nCRT, during nCRT and 0-2 weeks
before esophagectomy. Response to nCRT was measured
using the tumor regression grading system based on
histopathological evaluation of the resection specimen
(TRG1-4). Relative changes in 18F-FDG PET/CT (ΔSUV and
ΔTLG) and DW-MRI (ΔADC) parameters were compared
between patients with a pCR (TRG1) and non-pCR (TRG2-
4) groups (Figure 1). Multivariable logistic regression
analysis with bootstrapped 95% confidence intervals and
corresponding concordance measurements were
calculated to evaluate the complementary value of 18FFDG
A total of 69 patients with 203 18F-FDG PET/CT and 199
DW-MRI scans were eligible for analysis. A pCR was found
in 26.1% (18/69). Relative changes in 18F-FDG PET/CT
parameters after nCRT (ΔSUVmean,post [median, IQR] -63% (-
68%, -49%) for pCR versus -42% [-58%, -16%] for non-pCR,
p = 0.018 and ΔTLGpost [median, IQR] -86% [-93%, -81%] for
pCR versus -65% [-88%, -32%] for non-pCR, p = 0.036), as
well as changes in DW-MRI parameters during nCRT
(ΔADCduring [median, IQR] 28% [15%, 39%] for pCR versus 11%
[3.7%, 17%] for non-pCR, p = 0.006) were significantly
different between pathologic complete responders and
non-responders in esophageal cancer (Table 1). A cstatistic
of 0.74 for ΔSUVmean,post alone, of 0.77 for
ΔADCduring alone and of 0.81 for the combination of
ΔADCduring with ΔSUVmean,post was obtained in classifying
patients as pCR and non-pCR.
This prospective multicenter study demonstrates that
changes in 18F-FDG PET/CT parameters after nCRT
(ΔSUVmean,post and ΔTLGpost) and early treatment-induced
changes on DW-MRI during nCRT (ΔADCduring) discriminate
between pathologic complete responders from non-responders in esophageal cancer. Moreover, 18F-FDG
PET/CT and DW-MRI are of complementary value in the
assessment of histopathological response.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)S413-S414
JournalRadiotherapy and Oncology
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2019


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