Positive associations between mean ambient temperature and involuntary admissions to psychiatric facilities

Noah L. Joore, Marte Z. van der Horst, Eric O. Noorthoorn, Jurriaan F.M. Strous, Fleur J. Vruwink, Sinan Guloksuz, Peter C. Siegmund, Jurjen J. Luykx*

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BACKGROUND: Temperature increases in the context of climate change affect numerous mental health outcomes. One such relevant outcome is involuntary admissions as these often relate to severe (life)threatening psychiatric conditions. Due to a shortage of studies into this topic, relationships between mean ambient temperature and involuntary admissions have remained largely elusive. AIMS: To examine associations between involuntary admissions to psychiatric institutions and various meteorological variables. METHODS: Involuntary admissions data from 23 psychiatric institutions in the Netherlands were linked to meteorological data from their respective weather stations. Generalized additive models were used, integrating a restricted maximum likelihood method and thin plate regression splines to preserve generalizability and minimize the risk of overfitting. We thus conducted univariable, seasonally stratified, multivariable, and lagged analyses. RESULTS: A total of 13,746 involuntary admissions were included over 21,549 days. In univariable and multivariable models, we found significant positive associations with involuntary admissions for ambient temperature and windspeed, with projected increases of up to 0.94% in involuntary admissions per degree Celsius temperature elevation. In the univariable analyses using all data, the strongest associations in terms of significance and explained variance were found for mean ambient temperature (p = 2.5 × 10-6, Variance Explained [r2] = 0.096%) and maximum ambient temperature (p = 8.65 × 10-4, r2 = 0.072%). We did not find evidence that the lagged associations explain the associations for ambient temperature better than the direct associations. CONCLUSION: Mean ambient temperature is consistently but weakly associated with involuntary psychiatric admissions. Our findings set the stage for further epidemiological and mechanistic studies into this topic, as well as for modeling studies examining future involuntary psychiatric admissions.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere2
Number of pages7
JournalEuropean Psychiatry
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 10 Jan 2025


  • ambient temperature
  • climate change
  • generalized additive models
  • involuntary admissions
  • mental health
  • meteorological variables
  • psychiatry


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