Patterns of obsessive-compulsive symptoms and social functioning in schizophrenia; a replication study

Marije Swets*, Floor A. van Dijk, Frederike Schirmbeck, Jaap Peen, Lieuwe de Haan, Behrooz Z. Alizadeh, Therese van Amelsvoort, Agna A. Bartels-Velthuis, Nico J. van Beveren, Richard Bruggeman, Wiepke Cahn, Philippe Delespaul, Jurjen J. Luykx, Inez Myin-Germeys, Rene S. Kahn, Claudia J.P. Simons, Neeltje E. van Haren, Jim van Os, Ruud van Winkel

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Research has found that Obsessive Compulsive Symptoms (OCS) in schizophrenia are associated with either more or less negative symptoms and either better or poorer cognitive functioning. In order to explain these contradictory results, (Lysaker et al., 2004), performed a cluster analysis resulting in 2 OCS positive (OCSpos) clusters, one with higher functioning (HF) and one with poorer functioning (PF) compared to 2 OCS negative (OCSneg) clusters. The OCSpos/HF cluster had less negative symptoms compared to all other clusters, while the OCSpos/PF cluster showed poorer executive functioning. We performed a replication study, in an almost 10 times larger, representative sample, using both a longitudinal and cross-sectional design. Similar to Lysaker et al., we found a group with mild OCS and HF (OCSmild/HF) showing less negative symptoms compared to the PF groups. We also found an OCSmild/PF group, which did not significantly differ in executive functioning from the other groups. Moreover, we did not find evidence for a better prognosis in the OCSmild/HF group, and thus found no support for the assumption that for some patients OCS might be an effective coping mechanism.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)421-427
Number of pages7
JournalPsychiatry Research
Early online date3 Dec 2018
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2019


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