Introduction of the snake antenna array: Geometry optimization of a sinusoidal dipole antenna for 10.5T body imaging with lower peak SAR

Bart Steensma, Pierre-Francois van de Moortele, Arcan Ertürk, Andrea Grant, Gregor Adriany, Peter Luijten, Dennis Klomp, Nico van den Berg, Gregory Metzger, Alexander Raaijmakers

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PURPOSE: To improve imaging performance for body MRI with a local transmit array at 10.5T, the geometry of a dipole antenna was optimized to achieve lower peak specific absorption rate (SAR) levels and a more uniform transmit profile.

METHODS: Electromagnetic simulations on a phantom were used to evaluate the SAR and B 1 + -performance of different dipole antenna geometries. The best performing antenna (the snake antenna) was simulated on human models in a 12-channel array configuration for safety assessment and for comparison to a previous antenna design. This 12-channel array was constructed after which electromagnetic simulations were validated by B 1 + -maps and temperature measurements. After obtaining approval by the Food and Drug Administration to scan with the snake antenna array, in vivo imaging was performed on 2 volunteers.

RESULTS: Simulation results on a phantom indicate a lower SAR and a higher transmit efficiency for the snake antenna compared to the fractionated dipole array. Similar results are found on a human body model: when comparing the trade-off between uniformity and peak SAR, the snake antenna performs better for all imaging targets. Simulations and measurements are in good agreement. Preliminary imaging result were acquired in 2 volunteers with the 12-channel snake antenna array.

CONCLUSION: By optimizing the geometry of a dipole antenna, peak SAR levels were lowered while achieving a more uniform transmit field as demonstrated in simulations on a phantom and a human body model. The array was constructed, validated, and successfully used to image 2 individuals at 10.5T.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2885-2896
Number of pages12
JournalMagnetic Resonance in Medicine
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2020


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