Intracavitary deposits on Essure® hysteroscopic sterilization devices: A case report

L. W. Maassen*, Maatje D A van Gastel, E. G.W.M. Lentjes, M. Y. Bongers, S. Veersema

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OBJECTIVE: To study the composition of intracavitary deposits on Essure® hysteroscopic sterilization devices.

DESIGN: Case report.

SETTING: Reproductive Medicine and Gynecology department of a University Hospital.

PATIENTS: A 39 years old patient presenting with a request for surgical removal of Essure® sterilization devices. Diagnostic hysteroscopy showed a crystal like white deposit attached to one of the devices.

INTERVENTION: Diagnostic hysteroscopy and surgical removal of Essure® devices was performed. The deposits were collected and infrared spectroscopy analysis was performed.

MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: Chemical composition of the deposits attached to the device.

RESULTS: Infrared spectroscopy of the material showed patterns conclusive with calcite (calcium carbonate, CaCO3).

CONCLUSION: Until now, it is not clear if there is a relationship between reported complaints and formation of calcite deposits on Essure®.

CAPSULE: Infrared spectroscopy of deposits on Essure® devices showed a pattern conclusive with calcite. The relationship between reported complaints and the formation of calcite deposits on Essure® remains unclear.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)3-5
Number of pages3
JournalCase Reports in Women's Health
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2017


  • Calcite deposits
  • Essure®
  • Hysteroscopic sterilization


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