Hyperlocal Air Pollution Mapping: A Scalable Transfer Learning LUR Approach for Mobile Monitoring

Zhendong Yuan*, Jules Kerckhoffs, Hao Li, Jibran Khan, Gerard Hoek, Roel Vermeulen

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Addressing the challenge of mapping hyperlocal air pollution in areas without local monitoring, we evaluated unsupervised transfer learning-based land-use regression (LUR) models developed using mobile monitoring data from other cities: CORrelation ALignment (Coral) and its inverse distance-weighted modification (IDW_Coral). These models mitigated domain shifts and transferred patterns learned from mobile air quality monitoring campaigns in Copenhagen and Rotterdam to estimate annual average air pollution levels in Amsterdam (50m road segments) without involving any Amsterdam measurements in model development. For nitrogen dioxide (NO2), IDW_Coral outperformed Copenhagen and Rotterdam LUR models directly applied to Amsterdam, achieving MAE (4.47 μg/m3) and RMSE (5.36 μg/m3) comparable to a locally fitted LUR model (AMS_SLR) developed using Amsterdam mobile measurements collected for 160 days. IDW_Coral yielded an R2 of 0.35, similar to that of the AMS_SLR based on 20 collection days, suggesting a minimum requirement of 20-day mobile monitoring to capture city-specific insights. For ultrafine particles (UFP), IDW_Coral’s citywide predictions strongly correlated with previously published mixed-effect models fitted with 160-day Amsterdam measurements (Pearson correlation of 0.71 for UFP and 0.72 for NO2). IDW_Coral demands no direct measurements in the target area, showcasing its potential for large-scale applications and offering significant economic efficiencies in executing mobile monitoring campaigns.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)14372-14383
Number of pages12
JournalEnvironmental Science and Technology
Issue number32
Publication statusPublished - 13 Aug 2024


  • air pollution
  • domain shift
  • geographic principles
  • inverse distance-weighted model (IDW)
  • land use regression model (LUR)
  • ultra fine particles (UFP)
  • unsupervised transfer learning


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