How to confidently teach EBM on foot: development and evaluation of a web-based e-learning course

Tobias Weberschock, Olanrewaju Sorinola, Shakila Thangaratinam, Katrien Oude Rengerink, Theodoros N Arvanitis, Khalid S Khan, , K Oude Rengerink

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review


BACKGROUND: Scarcity of well-trained clinical tutors is a key constraint in integrating teaching of evidence-based medicine (EBM) into clinical activities.

OBJECTIVES: We developed a web-based educational course for clinical trainers to confidently teach EBM principles in everyday practice. Its e-learning modules defined the learning objectives and incorporated video clips of practical and effective EBM teaching methods for exploiting educational opportunities in six different clinical settings.

METHODS: We evaluated the course with clinical tutors in different specialties across six European countries using a questionnaire to capture learning achievement against preset objectives.

RESULTS: Among 56 tutors, 47 participants (84%) improved their scores from baseline. The mean pre-course score was 69.2 (SD=10.4), which increased to 77.3 (SD=11.7) postcourse (p<0.0001). The effect size was moderate with a Cohen's d of 0.73.

CONCLUSIONS: An e-learning approach incorporating videos of applied EBM teaching and learning based on real clinical scenarios in the workplace can be useful in facilitating EBM teaching on foot. It can be integrated in the continuing professional development programmes for clinical trainers.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)170-2
Number of pages3
JournalEvidence-Based Medicine
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 2013


  • Computer-Assisted Instruction
  • Curriculum
  • Educational Measurement
  • Evidence-Based Medicine
  • Humans
  • Internet


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