Health and treatment outcomes of patients with hemophilia in the Netherlands, 1972-2019

Shermarke Hassan, Erna C van Balen, Cees Smit, Evelien P Mauser-Bunschoten, Lize F D van Vulpen, Jeroen Eikenboom, Erik A M Beckers, Louise Hooimeijer, Paula F Ypma, Laurens Nieuwenhuizen, Michiel Coppens, Saskia E M Schols, Frank W G Leebeek, Mariëtte H Driessens, Frits R Rosendaal, Johanna G van der Bom, Samantha C Gouw

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INTRODUCTION: We conducted six cross-sectional nationwide questionnaire studies among all patients with hemophilia in the Netherlands from 1972 until 2019 to assess how health outcomes have changed, with a special focus on patients >50 years of age.

METHODS: Data were collected on patient characteristics, treatment, (joint) bleeding, joint impairment, hospitalizations, human immunodeficiency virus and hepatitis C infections, and general health status (RAND-36).

RESULTS: In 2019, 1009 patients participated, of whom 48% had mild, 15% moderate, and 37% severe hemophilia. From 1972 to 2019, the use of prophylaxis among patients with severe hemophilia increased from 30% to 89%. Their median annual bleeding rate decreased from 25 to 2 bleeds. Patients with severe hemophilia aged <16 years reported joint impairment less often over time, but in those aged >40 years joint status did not improve. In 2019, 5% of all 1009 patients were positive for the human immunodeficiency virus. The proportion of patients with an active hepatitis C infection drastically decreased from 45% in 2001 to 2% in 2019 due to new anti-hepatitis C treatment options. Twenty-five percent had significant liver fibrosis even after successful therapy. Compared to the general male population, patients aged >50 years reported much lower scores on the RAND-36, especially on physical functioning.

DISCUSSION/CONCLUSION: Our study shows that increased use of prophylactic treatment and effective hepatitis C treatment have improved joint health and nearly eradicated hepatitis C infection in patients with hemophilia in the Netherlands. However, patients still suffer from hemophilia-related complications, especially patients aged >50 years.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2394-2406
Number of pages13
JournalJournal of thrombosis and haemostasis : JTH
Issue number10
Early online date7 Jul 2021
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2021


  • bleeding
  • clinical outcomes
  • hemophilia
  • joint damage
  • quality of life


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