Enhancing Syndromic Surveillance With Online Respondent-Driven Detection

Mart L Stein, Jim E van Steenbergen, Vincent Buskens, Peter G M van der Heijden, Carl E Koppeschaar, Linus Bengtsson, Anna Thorson, MEE Kretzschmar

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review


OBJECTIVES: We investigated the feasibility of combining an online chain recruitment method (respondent-driven detection) and participatory surveillance panels to collect previously undetected information on infectious diseases via social networks of participants.

METHODS: In 2014, volunteers from 2 large panels in the Netherlands were invited to complete a survey focusing on symptoms of upper respiratory tract infections and to invite 4 individuals they had met in the preceding 2 weeks to take part in the study. We compared sociodemographic characteristics among panel participants, individuals who volunteered for our survey, and individuals recruited via respondent-driven detection.

RESULTS: Starting from 1015 panel members, the survey spread through all provinces of the Netherlands and all age groups in 83 days. A total of 433 individuals completed the survey via peer recruitment. Participants who reported symptoms were 6.1% (95% confidence interval = 5.4, 6.9) more likely to invite contact persons than were participants who did not report symptoms. Participants with symptoms invited more symptomatic recruits to take part than did participants without symptoms.

CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest that online respondent-driven detection can enhance identification of symptomatic patients by making use of individuals' local social networks.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)e90-7
JournalAmerican journal of public health
Issue number8
Publication statusPublished - Aug 2015


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