Enhancing quality in translation research - learning from experiences in cardiac repair

    Research output: ThesisDoctoral thesis 1 (Research UU / Graduation UU)

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    Medical research aims to find new treatments for human diseases. Despite researchers dedication and integrity, researchers preconceived views can influence their judgement, causing suboptimal research and limiting the value of the results. In addition, research is influenced by availability of funding and the availability of publications and possibilities to publish. In the first part of this thesis we discuss several vulnerabilities in research design, conduct and reporting in animal studies that hamper translation to clinical therapies. We then provide several solutions to enhance the value of translational research. In the second part of this thesis we focus on research in cardiac repair. We also performed several animal studies in cardiac repair and aimed to implement these proposed solutions in our own research.
    With this thesis we show the importance of robustness, openness and transparency to improve research. We learned from our experiences in cardiac repair, but vulnerabilities in study design, conduct and reporting are also seen in other fields of research. We proposed several solutions to improve the value of research. Importantly, we developed a platform to facilitate preclinical preregistration and put preclinical preregistration on the agenda. We believe it is time for the scientific community to take responsibility and move towards even more robust preclinical research. Medical research aims to find new treatment for human diseases, but improving research should also be part of the agenda. Based on the ongoing developments we are hopeful this thesis will contribute to a sustained change in scientific research. We encourage the scientific community to be more transparent and contribute to improving science by acting responsibly.
    Original languageEnglish
    Awarding Institution
    • University Medical Center (UMC) Utrecht
    • Chamuleau, Steven, Primary supervisor
    • Doevendans, Pieter, Supervisor
    • Kraaijeveld, Adriaan, Co-supervisor
    • Wever, K., Co-supervisor
    Award date27 Sept 2022
    Print ISBNs978-94-6423-950-8
    Publication statusPublished - 27 Sept 2022


    • Translation research
    • Preregistration
    • Preclinical research
    • Preclinicaltrials.eu
    • Biomedical research
    • Research design
    • Publication bias
    • Cardiovasculair repair
    • Animal experimentation
    • Cardiology


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