EEG-fMRI in the preoperative work-up for epilepsy surgery

G.J.M. Zijlmans, G.J.M. Huiskamp, M. Hersevoort, J.H. Seppenwoolde, A.C. van Huffelen, F.S.S. Leijten

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Epilepsy surgery requires precise localization of the epileptic source. EEG-correlated functional MRI (EEG-fMRI) is a new technique showing the haemodynamic effects of interictal epileptiform activity. This study assesses its potential added value in the presurgical evaluation of patients with complex source localization. Adult surgical candidates considered ineligible because of an unclear focus and/or presumed multifocality on the basis of EEG underwent EEG-fMRI. Interictal epileptic discharges (IEDs) in the EEG during fMRI were identified by consensus between two observers. Topographically distinct IED sets were analysed separately. Only patients with significant, positive blood oxygen level-dependent ( BOLD) responses that were topographically related to the EEG were re-evaluated for surgery.

Forty-six IED sets from 29 patients were analysed. In eight patients, at least one BOLD response was significant, positive and topographically related to the IEDs. These patients were rejected for surgery because of an unclear focus ( n = 3), presumed multifocality ( n = 2) or a combination of both ( n = 3). EEG-fMRI improved localization in four out of six unclear foci. In patients with presumed multifocality, EEG-fMRI advocated one of the foci in one patient and confirmed multifocality in four out of five patients. In four patients EEG-fMRI opened new prospects for surgery and in two of these patients intracranial EEG supported the EEG-fMRI results. In these complex cases, EEG-fMRI either improved source localization or corroborated a negative decision regarding surgical candidacy. It is thus a valuable tool in the presurgical evaluation of patients. Guidelines for the use of EEG-fMRI in clinical practice are proposed.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2343-2353
Number of pages11
Issue number(Pt-9)
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2007


  • electroencephalography
  • functional MRI
  • epilepsy
  • epilepsy surgery
  • epileptic source localization


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