Economic evaluations of exome and genome sequencing in pediatric genetics: considerations towards a consensus strategy

Richelle A.C.M. Olde Keizer, Lidewij Henneman, Johannes Kristian Ploos van Amstel, Lisenka E.L.M. Vissers, Gerardus W.J. Frederix*

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Objective: Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) is increasingly used for the diagnosis of rare genetic disorders. The aim of this study is to review the different approaches for economic evaluations of Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) in pediatric care used to date, to identify all costs, effects, and time horizons taken into account. Methods: A systematic literature review was conducted to identify published economic evaluations of NGS applications in pediatric diagnostics, i.e. exome sequencing (ES) and/or genome sequencing (GS). Information regarding methodological approach, costs, effects, and time horizon was abstracted from these publications. Results: Twenty-eight economic evaluations of ES/GS within pediatrics were identified. Costs included were mainly restricted to direct in-hospital healthcare costs and varied widely in inclusion of sort of costs and time-horizon. Nineteen studies included diagnostic yield and eight studies included cost-effectiveness as outcome measures. Studies varied greatly in terms of included sort of costs data, effects, and time horizon. Conclusion: Large differences in inclusion of cost and effect parameters were identified between studies. Validity of outcomes can therefore be questioned, which hinders valid comparison and widespread generalization of conclusions. In addition to current health economic guidance, specific guidance for evaluations in pediatric care is therefore necessary to improve the validity of outcomes and furthermore facilitate comparable decision-making for implementing novel NGS-based diagnostic modalities in pediatric genetics and beyond.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)60-70
Number of pages11
JournalJournal of Medical Economics
Issue numbersup1
Publication statusPublished - 2021


  • children
  • economic evaluations
  • exome sequencing
  • genetics
  • genome sequencing
  • health technology assessment
  • Next generation sequencing


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