Correlation of laparoscopic and hysteroscopic 30° scope camera navigation skills on box trainers

Juliënne A. Janse*, Emilie Hitzerd, Sebastiaan Veersema, Frank J. Broekmans, Henk W R Schreuder

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2 Citations (Scopus)


This study investigated a possible correlation between training of camera navigation skills with a 30° optic in hysteroscopy and laparoscopy by exploring whether 30° camera navigation training in hysteroscopy provides a certain level of expertise in laparoscopic camera navigation. If a correlation exists, training models and programs in gynecology could be simplified. In this prospective, randomized, nonblinded study 34 medical students were divided into two groups. Group A (n=17) performed five exercises on a box trainer for hysteroscopy (HYSTT) and five exercises on a box trainer for laparoscopy (LASTT). Group B (n=7) performed 2×5 exercises on the LASTT model. Both groups performed a LASTT post-test directly afterwards. The outcome parameter recorded was time to correctly perform the exercise. Comparing the results of the LASTT post-test between group A and B, a similar performance of both groups was shown (p=.131). A slightly faster performance in group A is displayed, when comparing the first LASTT exercise between group A (with previous HYSTT training) and group B (without previous HYSTT training); however, this was a nonsignificant finding (p=.114). Both groups display quite similar learning curves, and after five LASTT repetitions, both groups have reached comparable levels for procedure time, despite the earlier HYSTT training of group A. Previous training on the HYSTT model offers some advantage for training on the LASTT model. However, training of 30° camera navigation skills in a hysteroscopic environment does not seem supportive for obtaining the same level of camera expertise in laparoscopy. Therefore, 30° camera navigation in hysteroscopy and laparoscopy should be trained separately to reach adequate levels of expertise for each procedure.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)75-81
Number of pages7
JournalGynecological Surgery
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2014


  • Angled optic
  • Box trainer
  • Camera navigation
  • Hysteroscopy
  • Laparoscopy
  • Training


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