Color-map recommendation for MR relaxometry maps

Miha Fuderer*, Barbara Wichtmann, Fabio Crameri, Nandita M. de Souza, Bettina Baeßler, Vikas Gulani, Meiyun Wang, Dirk Poot, Ruud de Boer, Matt Cashmore, Kathryn E. Keenan, Dan Ma, Carolin Pirkl, Nico Sollmann, Sebastian Weingärtner, Stefano Mandija, Xavier Golay

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Purpose: To harmonize the use of color for MR relaxometry maps and therefore recommend the use of specific color-maps for representing (Formula presented.), (Formula presented.), and (Formula presented.) maps and their inverses. Methods: Perceptually linearized color-maps were chosen to have similar color settings as those proposed by Griswold et al. in 2018. A Delphi process, polling the opinion of a panel of 81 experts, was used to generate consensus on the suitability of these maps. Results: Consensus was reached on the suitability of the logarithm-processed Lipari color-map for (Formula presented.) and the logarithm-processed Navia color-map for (Formula presented.) and (Formula presented.). There was consensus on color bars being mandatory and on the use of a specific value indicating “invalidity.” There was no consensus on whether the ranges should be fixed per anatomy. Conclusion: The authors recommend the use of the logarithm-processed Lipari color-map for displaying quantitative (Formula presented.) maps and (Formula presented.) maps; likewise, the authors recommend the logarithm-processed Navia color-map for displaying (Formula presented.), (Formula presented.), (Formula presented.), and (Formula presented.) maps. This work originated with the Quantitative MR Study Group of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM); it has the approval of the Publication Committee and of the Board of the ISMRM.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)490-506
Number of pages17
JournalMagnetic Resonance in Medicine
Issue number2
Early online date16 Oct 2024
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 16 Oct 2024


  • color
  • display
  • quantitative MR
  • relaxation
  • standardization


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