Gerard Pasterkamp
Person: Full Professor
Sander van der Laan
Person: Assistant Professor
Mark de Groot
Person: Assistant Professor
Michiel Bots
- Julius Center, Julius Center, dept. Epidemiology & Health Economics - Professor of Epidemiology of Cardiovascular Disease
- Julius Center, Julius Center, dept. Epidemiology & Health Economics
Person: Full Professor
Malin Overmars
Person: Researcher/Postdoc
Dominique de Kleijn
Person: Full Professor
Maarten ten Berg
- Division Laboratories and Pharmacy, Central Diagnostic Laboratory
- Infection & Immunity - Other research staff
Person: Assistant Professor - medical, Research Staff Other
Jessica van Setten
Person: Assistant Professor
Maarten Limper
- Divison of Internal Medicine and Dermatology, Rheumatology & Clinical Immunology
- Infection & Immunity
Person: Assistant Professor - medical
Marianne Verhaar
- Divison of Internal Medicine and Dermatology, Nephrology
- Circulatory Health - Professor
- Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cells - Professor
Person: Full Professor
Bram van Es
Person: Assistant Professor
Jan Jelrik Oosterheert
- Divison of Internal Medicine and Dermatology, Rheumatology & Clinical Immunology
- Infection & Immunity
Person: Assistant Professor - medical
Rick Grobbee
Person: Full Professor
Geert Jan Biessels
- Division Neuroscience, Neurologen
- Brain - Professor
- Circulatory Health - Professor
Person: Full Professor
Anna Zondag, MSc
Person: PHD Candidate - OIO
Henny Otten
- Division Laboratories and Pharmacy, Central Diagnostic Laboratory
- Infection & Immunity - Associate professor
Person: Associate Professor
Leon Reteig, PhD
- Divison of Internal Medicine and Dermatology, Rheumatology & Clinical Immunology
- Infection & Immunity
Person: Datamanager, Researcher/Postdoc
Wouter Veldhuis
Person: Associate Professor, Associate Professor - medical
Maarten Rookmaaker
Person: Assistant Professor - medical
Leo Koenderman
- Division of Heart & Lungs, Department of Experimental Pulmonary Diseases
- Cancer - Professor
- Infection & Immunity - Professor
Person: Full Professor
Jeroen Dudink
Person: Associate Professor - medical
Jan Westerink
Person: Assistant Professor - medical
Frank Visseren
- Divison of Internal Medicine and Dermatology, Internal Medicine - internist-vascular medicine
- Circulatory Health - Professor
Person: Full Professor
Teus Kappen
- Division of Anesthesiology, Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine, Anesthesiology - Anesthesiologist
- Cancer
- Circulatory Health - Associate professor
Person: Associate Professor - medical
Karin van Galen
- Divison of Internal Medicine and Dermatology, Hematology/Van Creveldclinic
- Child Health - Assistant professor
Person: Assistant Professor - medical
Louis Handoko
Person: Assistant Professor - medical
Nadia Haj Mohammad
Person: Assistant Professor - medical
Wilton van Klei
- Division of Anesthesiology, Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine, Anesthesiology - Professor
- Circulatory Health - Professor
Person: Full Professor
Manon Benders
- Division Woman & Baby, Birth Center Neonatology - Medical - director of the Department of Neonatology
- Brain
- Child Health
Person: Full Professor
Saskia Rittersma
- Division of Heart & Lungs, Division of Heart & Lungs - Interventional Cardiologist
Person: Assistant Professor - medical
Julia Drylewicz
- Division Laboratories and Pharmacy, Center for Translational Immunology (CTI) Computational Immunology Core
- Infection & Immunity - Assistant professor
Person: Assistant Professor
ML Houben
- Division of Pediatrics, Business operations management
- Child Health - Other research staff
Person: Assistant Professor - medical
Pieter Doevendans
- Division of Heart & Lungs, Division of Heart & Lungs
- Circulatory Health - Professor
- Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cells - Professor
Person: Full Professor
Jelle Ruurda
Person: Full Professor
Marnix Lam
Person: Full Professor
Daniel Vijlbrief
- Division Woman & Baby, Birth Center Neonatology - Medical - Neonatologist
- Brain
- Child Health
Person: Other than Research, Associate Professor - medical, Assistant Professor - medical
Joost Swart
Person: Associate Professor - medical, Assistant Professor - medical
Marieke Hollestelle, PhD
Person: Assistant Professor
Hanneke van Deutekom
- Division Laboratories and Pharmacy, Section Clinical Genetics - Head of Bioinformatics
Person: Research Staff Other
Maaike van Mourik
Person: Assistant Professor - medical
Jannick Dorresteijn
Person: Associate Professor - medical, Assistant Professor - medical
Nienke Vrisekoop
- Division of Heart & Lungs, Department of Experimental Pulmonary Diseases - UMCU -WKZ
- Infection & Immunity
Person: Associate Professor
Gijs van Haaften
Person: Associate Professor
Sander van Doorn
Person: Assistant Professor
Monika Hollander
Person: Assistant Professor
Peter van Hasselt
- Division of Pediatrics, Metabolic diseases patient care - Associate Professor
- Child Health
- Infection & Immunity
Person: Associate Professor - medical
Marianne Boes
- Division of Pediatrics, Medical Management
- Child Health - Associate professor
- Infection & Immunity - Associate professor
Person: Associate Professor
Martin Teraa
- Division of Surgical Specialities, Department of Vascular Surgery
- Circulatory Health
- Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cells
Person: Assistant Professor - medical
Noortje van den Dungen
Person: Research Analyst
Sander Kooijmans
Person: Assistant Professor, Researcher/Postdoc
Coen Maas
Person: Associate Professor, Assistant Professor
Willem Suyker
- Division of Heart & Lungs
- Division of Heart & Lungs, Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery
- Circulatory Health
- Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cells
Person: Full Professor, Research Staff Other
Stefan Nierkens
- Division Laboratories and Pharmacy, Center for Translational Immunology (CTI) Research
- Cancer
- Infection & Immunity
Person: Associate Professor, Associate Professor - medical
Michiel Voskuil
Person: Associate Professor - medical
Helen Leavis
- Divison of Internal Medicine and Dermatology, Rheumatology & Clinical Immunology - clinical scientist, consultant internist-immunologist
- Infection & Immunity
Person: Associate Professor - medical
Caroline Cheng
- Divison of Internal Medicine and Dermatology, Nephrology
- Circulatory Health
- Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cells - Associate professor
Person: Associate Professor
Erik A L Biessen
- University Medical Center Utrecht
- Department of Veterans Affairs
- Maastricht University
- RWTH Aachen University
External person
J-P.P.M. de Vries
External person