1993 …2024

Research activity per year

Personal profile

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Remco de Bree (1966) studied medicine in Utrecht, The Netherlands. His PhD research on the VU University Medical Center was about the clinical application of radiolabelled monoclonal antibodies in head and neck cancer patients. In 1999 he finished his training in otolaryngology. Thereafter, he was a fellow in head and neck surgery for 2 years at the same hospital, where he worked as a head and neck surgeon for 14 years and became full professor for clinical oncological research at the department of otolaryngology - head and neck surgery in 2006. Since 2015 he is full professor and head of the department of Head and Neck Surgical Oncology at the UMC Utrecht Cancer Center of the University Medical Center Utrecht, The Netherlands. His special interests are the clinical applications and improvements of diagnostic imaging techniques, sentinel node procedure, quality of life and reconstructive surgery in head and neck cancer patients. He has authored and co-authored over 200 articles in international peer-reviewed journals. He was the principal investigator and coordinator of several (inter)national multicenter trials, is a member of the Research steering committee of the Dutch Head and Neck Society (NWHHT), is a member of several editorial boards and member of the Cochrane Ear, Nose & Throat Disorders Group. 

Fellowship & awards

1996 Best PhD thesis Dutch Otolaryngology Society

External positions

Member of the council - IAOO consists of a wide range of clinicians and scientists worldwide, leaders in their fields. - International Academy of Oral Oncology (IAOO)

1 Jan 202331 Dec 3999

Voorzitter - Werkgroep die bestaat uit medici en paramedici die zich bezighouden met hoofd-halskanker - Utrechtse Werkgroep Hoofd-Hals Tumoren (UWHHT)

1 Jan 202131 Dec 3999

Voorzitter Adviescommissie onderzoek hoofd-halskanker - Onderzoek met hoofd-halskanker databronnen. - PRISMA (IKNL / DHNA / NWHHT)

1 Jan 202031 Dec 3999

Voorzitter Research Stuurgroep - Wetenschappelijk multicenter onderzoek naar hoofd-halskanker te bevorderen en coördineren. - Nederlandse Werkgroep Hoofd-Hals Tumoren (NWHHT)

1 Jan 201931 Dec 3999

Lid Clinical Audit Board - Bijdrage aan een kwaliteitsregistratie van klinische zorg voor hoofd-halskankerpatiënten. - Dutch Head and Neck Audit (DHNA)

1 Jan 201931 Dec 3999

Lid Dagelijks Bestuur - Houden zich bezig met de diagnostiek, behandeling en controle van hoofd-halskanker patiënten. - Nederlandse Werkgroep Hoofd-Hals Tumoren (NWHHT)

1 Jan 201931 Dec 3999

Lid Algemeen Bestuur - De PVHH ondersteunt en adviseert iedereen die geraakt is door hoofd-halskanker. - Patiëntenvereniging Hoofd-Hals (PVHH)

1 Jan 201631 Dec 3999

Voorzitter Kerngroep Richtlijncommissie - Initiëren en opstellen van richtlijnen over hoofd-halskanker. - Nederlandse Werkgroep Hoofd-Hals Tumoren (NWHHT)

1 Jan 201631 Dec 3999

Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years

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