1981 …2025

Research activity per year

Personal profile


Pathologist, consultant for pediatric and perinatal pathology.

MD exam July 1982, Erasmus Uni­versity Rotter­dam, the Netherlands

PhD thesis: The hemopoietic micro-environment, effects of chemotherapy and irradiation, March 22 1989, Erasmus Uni­versity Rotter­dam, the Netherlands

Pathology training: January 1987 until January 1992, University Hospital Groningen, the Netherlands

1992-december 1996: staff member department of pathology University Hospital Groningen, the Netherlands and responsible for the perinatal pathology

December 1996- : staff member department of pathology, University Hospital Utrecht, the Netherlands. Responsible for pediatric and perinatal pathology including training of residents and performing / supervising 120-140 perinatal and pediatric autopsies annually, 700-800 placentas annually and approximately 1200-1500 surgical biopsies including solid pediatric tumors from October 2014.

Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years

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