Peter van Hasselt

Associate Professor, dr.


    Research activity per year

    Personal profile

    Personal webpage

    Peter van Hasselt is manager research of the division Child, head of the department of Metabolic Diseases and head of the Sylvia Toth Center for follow up after Stem cell transplant, Wilhelmina Children’s Hospital at the UMC Utrecht. Peter does translational research the ultimate aim of which is to create ‘better care for the rare’. Improving the diagnostic rate and diagnostic speed are important subthemes. The first theme includes elucidation of ‘novel’ diseases as well as the design and implementation of novel diagnostic means, including metabolomics and a dedicated FACS analysis for disease severity in CLN3 (Batten) disease, and imagestream analysis. Critical appraisal of current therapies, e.g. through structured follow up, and rational design of novel therapies is another major theme.

    Side activities

    • Member of Horizon scan chamber (ZIN (Zorg Instituut Nederland, previously VWS) ‘Metabolic & Endocrine disorders’, (from 2016 onwards), (no payments)
    • Advisor for the Dutch Health Council (Gezondheidsraad) committee in a recent adaptation, (2017), (no payments)
    • Advisor for the Dutch Health Council (Gezondheidsraad) committee ‘nutrition’ with regards vitamin K, (2010), (no payments)
    • Speaker Orchid meeting, (2022), (<€2200.-)

    Side activities

    Academic duties

                    Neonatal screening. Various.

    2023       Steering committee to define metabolic knowledge gaps.

    2022       Screening abstracts for the SSIEM 2022, the main international congress on metabolic diseases

    2019       Hosting the (international) CLN3 young investigator meeting

    2019       Screening abstracts for the SSIEM 2019, the main international congress on metabolic diseases

    2017      Advisor for the Dutch Health Council (Gezondheidsraad) committee in a recent adaptation

    2016      Member of the scientific committee of the WKZ onderzoeksfonds

    2010      Advisor for the Dutch Health Council (Gezondheidsraad) committee ‘nutrition’ with regards vitamin K



    Supervision of fellows (training for pediatrician for metabolic diseases), Sabine Fuchs and Klaas Koop involves mentorship and guidance as does supervision of PhDs.

    PhDs: total 9. Current 4.  


    2020-present      Member of the board of the WKZ Research Fund

    2020-2022          Manager Research of the Division 'Child' at the UMC Utrecht

    2019-present      Associate Professor (Universitair hoofddocent UHD)

    2017-present      Head of Department Metabolic diseases 

    2017-present       'Opleider' at department of Metabolic Diseases

    2017-2020          Head of Cluster C (portfolios Science, Finance, Operational Excellence, Capacity management) at WKZ  

    2017-2022         Member of Leadership team Division 'Child', UMC Utrecht     

    2016-2020           Member of the scientific committee of the WKZ Research Fund

    2015-present       Head of Section Metabolic Diseases NVK

    2012-2017           'Plaatsvervangend Opleider' Metabolic Diseases (WKZ)

    2009-present       Staff member at department of Metabolic Diseases

    2007-present       Pediatrician for Metabolic Diseases, Wilhelmina Children’s Hospital, Utrecht.

    2007-2009           Temporary Staff Metabolic Diseases & PhD (WKZ)

    2004-2007           Subspecialty training (fellowship) for Metabolic Diseases, Wilhelmina Children’s Hospital. Head: Dr. T.J. de Koning

    1998-1999           Physician-researcher (Herseninstituut, Amsterdam)

    1997-1998           Pediatrician non-trainee (WKZ, Neonatology)

    1995                    Student-researcher (UMCG Pharmacology)

    Research interests

    (co-)Author of >130 peer reviewed papers, including papers in prestigious journals (NEJM, Nature Genetics). also including papers with significant societal impact (leading to changes in the Dutch Vitamin K prophylaxis). Collaborations across the globe, including prestigious institutions (Oxford, Cambridge).  

    Current H-index: 39.

    Education/Academic qualification

    UMCU leadership programme, University Medical Center Utrecht


    PhD “Vitamin K prophylaxis revisited – focus on risk factors”, Utrecht University


    Fellowship metabolic diseases & PhD (WKZ), University Medical Center Utrecht


    Pediatric specialty training (WKZ), University Medical Center Utrecht


    Pediatric specialty training, Isala Clinics


    Medical Doctor (MD), University of Groningen


    Doctoral Medicine (MSc), University of Groningen


    Freshman-year (supported by scholarship through NACEE, now known as Fulbright Center)




    External positions

    bestuurslid - UMD is een samenwerking tussen de zes universitaire metabole centra en de patientenvereniging - UMD

    16 Sept 202431 Dec 3999

    advies - toekomstige medicatie metabole ziekten - ZIN (Zorg Instituut Nederland, previously VWS)

    1 Apr 201631 Dec 3999

    Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years

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