Personal profile


I am assistant professor and the team lead of health economic evaluation.

I graduated as a medical doctor in 2011 at the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (RuG). After my study, I started working at the Erasmus MC on my PhD on efficiency and performance of colorectal cancer screening in the Netherlands. I worked with a microsimulation model performing various evaluations, such as cost-effectiveness analyses. During those years I also finished an additional master’s in health sciences, specialisation Public Health.

Since 2018 I work in the Julius Center. Until 2023 I combined working at the department of Health economic evaluation (formerly HTA) with working at THINC, the healthcare innovations center performing fit-for purpose evaluations at an early stage of innovation development.

Currently, I work fulltime at the Julius Center, and am involved in health economic evaluations in various type of interventions and diseases. My main interest is in interventions in public health, primary care, diagnostics or appropriate care interventions. In addition, my passion is to improve those evaluations with methodological research on study design and trial-based or real-world data collection.

Email: [email protected]