Personal profile


Dylan de Lange started his medical education at the University of Utrecht in 1992. After graduating he started as a resident in Internal Medicine in a teaching hospital in Amersfoort but he finished his residency in the University Medical Center in Utrecht (UMC Utrecht). Afterwards he did a fellowship in Infectious Diseases and subsequently a fellowship in Intensive Care Medicine. In 2007 he joined the medical staff of the Intensive Care Unit and the Dutch Poisons Information Center (DPIC) in the University Medical Center Utrecht, where he has been working ever since. 

Since 2017 he is full professor in Clinical Toxicology and the chair of the Dutch Poisons Information Center ( As a clinical toxicologist (European Registered Toxicologist, ERT) he advises on medical treatment of intoxicated patients. The Dutch Poisons Information Center is contacted for medical advice over 240,000 times per year by other medical professionals.

He is a board member of the National Intensive Care Evaluation (NICE) Foundation, which benchmarks the all Dutch ICUs. Part of his current research is derived from this large national registry: (long term) outcome after intensive care treatment. Not only mortality is important but also the health related quality of life (HRQoL). Can we predict good/bad outcome?

His research interests obviously situate at the intersection of Clinical Toxicology and Intensive Care Medicine and focusses on "predicting outcome" in:

  1. critically ill intoxicated patient
  2. critically ill patients, especially in regard to the pharmacokinetics and toxicokinetics of antimicrobials and immunosuppressants 
  3. critically ill patients with the use of biomarkers

In 2019 a large European research project started looking at the (long-term) outcomes of intoxicated patients on various ICUs in the World. Can we predict outcome based on variables that ate present at admission to the hospital? This INTOXICATE study is now closed and the first analyses are being published.

Side activities

Lid van de Commissie van Toezicht van de Postdoctorale Educatie Toxicologie (PET) van de Nederlandse Vereninging van Toxicologie - vanaf 2022?

Side activities

Lid van de Safety commissie van de RATE-studie - sinds 2021

Side activities

Lid van de werkgroep voor medicamenteuze behandeling van COVID-19 van de Stichting Werkgroep Antibiotica Beleid (SWAB) - sinds 2020 

Side activities

Lid van het Expertiseteam Behandeling COVID-19 van de Federatie Medisch Specialisten (FMS) - sinds 2020 

Side activities

Lid namens ESICM van de European Association of Hospital Pharmacists (EAHP) Special Interest Group (SIG) for the Investigation of Medication Errors in Intensive Care Units - sinds 2020 

Side activities

Organisatie en docent van de de Multidisciplinaire Toxicologie cursus vanuit het Gemeensschappelijk Intoxicatie Forum (GIF) samenwerkingsverband - sinds 2019

Side activities

Congrescommissie van de Nederlandse Vereniging van Intensive Care (NVIC) - sinds 2018 

Side activities

Overleg niet-geregistreerde geneesmiddelen voor antidota en calamiteitenvoorraad RIVM/IGJ/NVIC/CBG - sinds 2017

Side activities

VIP study group van de Health Research Services and Outcome (HSRO) section van de European Society of Intensive Care Medicine (ESICM) - sinds 2015

Side activities

Vice-voorzitter van de Taskforce Infectieuze Bedreigingen van de Nederlandse Vereniging voor Intensive Care (NVIC) - sinds 2009

Side activities

Secretaris van Stichting Nederlandse Intensive Care Evaluatie (NICE) - sinds 2006

External positions

Senior editor van editorial board wetenschappelijk tijdschrift "Clinical Toxicology" - beoordelen van manuscripten voor publicatie in het tijdschrift - Taylor & Francis (editor of Clin Tox)

13 Nov 202331 Dec 3999

raad van Toezicht van de Postdoctorale Educatie in Toxicologie (PET) - Controle van de inhoud en kwaliteit van het onderwijs in toxicologie - Nederlandse Vereniging voor Toxicologie (NVT)

1 Jan 202231 Dec 3999

Lid van Special Interest Group (SIG) van de European Association of Hospital Pharmacists (EAHP) - medicatieveligheid op de ICU - European Society Intensive Care Medicine (ESICM)

4 Jan 202131 Dec 3999

Lid van het expertiseteam behandeling COVID-19 - - Federatie Medisch Specialisten (FMS)

1 Jan 202131 Dec 3999

lid van de werkgroep voor de medicamenteuze behandeling van COVID-19 - - Stichting Werkgroep Antibioticabeleid (SWAB)

1 Jul 202031 Dec 3999

Organisatie en docent van de multidisciplinaire cursus toxicoogie - docent toxicologie - Schola Medica

1 Jan 201931 Dec 3999

Congrescommissie van de NVIC - organiseren van IC congressen past bij nascholing voor collega's - Nederlandse Vereniging Intensive Care (NVIC)

1 Jan 201831 Dec 3999

Overleg niet-geregistreerde geneesmiddelen en antidota voor de calamiteitenvoorraad - Indicatiestelling en voorraad advies van antisera en antidota - RIVM

1 Jan 201731 Dec 3999

lid van de Taskforce Infectieuze Bedreigingen van de NVIC (sinds 2009) - infecties op de IC - NVIC

1 Jan 201331 Dec 3999

secretaris Stichting NICE (lid sinds 2007) - Kwaliteitsregistratie van de Nederlandse Intensive Cares - Stichting Nationale Intensive Care Evaluatie (NICE)

1 Jan 201331 Dec 3999

Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years

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