1997 …2025

Research activity per year

Personal profile

Fellowship & awards


Senior Scottish Clinical Fellowship award (NRS) (2016)

Innovational Research Incentives Scheme: Vidi laureate (NWO) (2015)

Innovational Research Incentives Scheme: Veni laureate (NWO) (2009)

Ter Meulen Fund Stipends, KNAW (2006/2007)

Prof. Dr. Burema award for most relevant publication in the field of infectious diseases 2004/2005, The Municipal Health Service Rotterdam and Environs (GGD), The Netherlands

Investigator award 2004/2005, Erasmus MC-Sophia Children’s award, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Young investigator award 2004, Pediatric Association of The Netherlands (NVK), The Netherlands

Prof. Dr. J.C. Birkenhäger award 2003 for excellence in research and presentation, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands


2017. Spain. Ramon Areces Foundation: Personal grant of postdoctoral fellow Dr. Alicia Ruiz for a 2-year postdoc in my group to study mycobiome-microbiome interaction. Stipend

2017. NIHR.Global health research unit: Collaborator of NIHR RESPIRE Unit, University of Edinburgh. £6.000.000

2017. NIHR. Global health research unit. Collaborator and Steering Committee member of NIHR MPRU Unit, University College London. £6.000.000

2016-2012. NRS. SSCF. Hhost-microbiome interactions: identification of ecological drivers that are key to respiratory problems in pre-term born children (Scottish Senior Clinical Fellowship). £800.000

2015-2019 ZonMW. Vidi grant. Host-microbiome interactions: the key to respiratory health? (Personal career grant) €800.000

2014-2017. ZonMW. Priority Medicines. Consequences of early-life antibiotic exposure on AMR gene selection: what regimen causes least harm? (PI) €400.000

2014-2016. Gates Foundation. Effect of live attenuated Influenza vaccines on experimental human pneumococcal carriage.€250.000

2012-2014. Ministry of economic affaires. TKI grant.“Food for life solutions” (co-applicant). €130.000 (of 1.0 million)

2011-2014 TI Pharma. Collaboratiive grant. Therapeutic effect of an extensively hydrolyzed infant formula on atopic dermatitis” (participant) €100.000 (of 1.5 million)

2009-2014. NWO/ZonMW. Top grant. “Dynamics of nasopharyngeal colonization of microflora; the key to respiratory disease?” (PI). €625.000

2009-2012. NWO. Veni grant.“Nasopharyngeal microbial communities and the effects of vaccination” (Personal career grant). €250.000

2006-2008. KNAW. Ter Meulen Fund. “Interaction between Streptococcus pneumoniae and the maturing host immune system” (personal career grant). €100.000

2009-2013. Local hospital fund (based on private donations). Friends of WKZ. Respiratory microbiome development in healthy children in relation to delivery mode €150.000/ Respiratory microbiome development in infants with cystic fibrosis and controls. €240.000

2012. Local. WKZ. “Leading ladies in science” unrestricted grant. €100.000

Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years

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