Personal profile

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Anne May obtained her Master’s degree in Sciences of Human Movement (with distinction) at the Free University in Amsterdam in 2001. She obtained her Master of Science degree in Epidemiology at the Netherlands Institute of Health Sciences, Erasmus Medical Center Rotterdam in August 2006.
From June 2001 to December 2002 she worked as a (Sport-)Nutrition Scientist at Numico Research BV in Wageningen.
Anne May is involved in research regarding lifestyle, body composition, diet and cancer since 2003. From 2003-2007 she conducted her PhD research on the effects of physical exercise and cognitive-behavioural therapy in cancer patients at the University Medical Center Utrecht (UMCU), Julius Center. After completing her PhD, she continued working at the Julius Center. She is currently Director of Research at the Julius Center and works as Professor of Clinical Epidemiology of Cancer Survivorship. Moreover, she works as group leader  "Lifestyle and survivorship care" at the Netherlands Cancer Institute.

Her research focuses on optimal survivorship care for patients living with cancer with an emphasis on lifestyle interventions – from translational and clinical research to patient care. She is especially interested in effects of exercise in cancer patients, in the mediators of the effect and also in methodological aspects related to exercise-oncology research. For the latter she received a VENI grant from ZonMw (i.e., personal grant for outstanding researchers) entitled 'Novel research design and methodology for evaluating effects of physical exercise in patients with cancer’.

She is the PI of several ongoing (inter)national multi-center exercise-oncology RCTs (PREFERABLE (H2020-funded), PREFERABLE-II (Horizon Europe funded), PACT, PERFECT, UMBRELLA-FIT and PAM). She is also part of the research team of several cancer patient cohorts: PLCRC (colorectal cancer), UMBRELLA (breast cancer) and UNICIT (patients receiving immunotherapy), and is responsible for patient-reported outcomes and assessment of muscle mass. Last, she is involved in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) study and was the scientific coordinator of an EC-funded research project investigating the relationship between physical activity, nutrition, alcohol, smoking, eating out of home and obesity (EPIC-PANACEA).

Side activities

  • Member RvC and RvT - Alexander Monro Ziekenhuis
  • Member Raad Medische Wetenschappen (RMW) - KNAW 
  • Co-chair of the World Cancer Research Fund International (WCRF) grant panel (
  • Member of the ASCO Guideline Panel "Diet, Physical Activity, and Weight Managment During Cancer Treatment"
  • Attendee of the 2018 International Multidisciplinary Roundtable on Exercise and Cancer Prevention and Control convened by the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)
  • Member committee "2017 Physical activity guidelines" of the Health Council of the Netherlands

Fellowship & awards

  • Coordinator of the HORIZON EUROPE funded international PREFERABLE-II Project: Personalised Exercise-Oncology for improvement of supportive care: a super umbrella trial to demonstrate (cost)effectiveness of live-remote exercise in cancer survivors
  • Coordinator of the H2020 funded international PREFERABLE Project (Exercise for Fatigue Eradication in Advanced Breast cancer to improve quality of life) -      
  • ZonMw VENI grant “Novel research design and methodology for evaluating effects of physical exercise in patients with cancer” (2014)
  • Selected for the female leadership programme “Steyn Parve” (UMC Utrecht)

External positions

Lid RvC en RvT - toezichthouden - Alexander Monro Ziekenhuis

3 Apr 202431 Dec 3999

Lid Raad Medische Wetenschappen (RMW) - KNAW - advies geven - KNAW

1 Nov 202331 Dec 3999

Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years

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