- 1 - 50 out of 62 results
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Amir Abdelmoumen, MSc
Person: PHD Candidate - Medical
Gimano Amatngalim
Person: Assistant Professor
Bart Bartels
Person: Associate Professor
M Bartels
- Division of Pediatrics, Haematology patient care
- Divison of Internal Medicine and Dermatology, Hematology/Van Creveldclinic
- Child Health
Person: Associate Professor - medical, Assistant Professor - medical
Jeffrey Beekman
- Division of Pediatrics, Pulmonology Research 2
- Division of Pediatrics, Research
- Child Health
- Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cells
Person: Full Professor, Associate Professor
FMC van Berkestijn
Person: Assistant Professor - medical
Sam van Beuningen
Person: Assistant Professor
Marc Bierings
- Division of Pediatrics, SCT patient care
- Child Health
- Infection & Immunity
- Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cells
Person: Associate Professor - medical
Hans Breur, MD
Person: Associate Professor - medical
Atty van Dijk
Person: Assistant Professor - medical
Kors van der Ent
- Division of Pediatrics, Pulmonology patient care
- Division of Pediatrics, Strategic theme Child Health
- Child Health - Professor
- Infection & Immunity - Professor
Person: Full Professor
Sibyl Geelen
Person: Assistant Professor - medical
Anne van der Gugten
Person: Assistant Professor - medical
Sarah Hak, MSc
Person: PHD Candidate - Medical
Peter van Hasselt
- Division of Pediatrics, Metabolic diseases patient care - Associate Professor
- Child Health
- Infection & Immunity
Person: Associate Professor - medical
Eline van den Heuvel
Person: Assistant Professor - medical
Floris Hofstede
Person: Assistant Professor - medical
Roderick Houwen, MSc
Person: Professor Emeritus
Indi Joore
Person: Researcher/Postdoc, PHD Candidate - OIO
Sander Kooijmans
Person: Assistant Professor, Researcher/Postdoc
Martijn Koppens
Person: Researcher/Postdoc
Ewart Kuijk
- Division of Pediatrics, Gastroenterology & Hepatology research 1
- Cancer
- Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cells
Person: Assistant Professor
Caroline Lindemans
- Division of Pediatrics, SCT patient care
- Child Health
- Infection & Immunity
- Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cells
Person: Assistant Professor - medical
Yvette Loeffen
Person: Assistant Professor - medical
Janjaap van der Net
Person: Associate Professor
Sanne Nijhof
Person: Associate Professor - medical, Assistant Professor - medical
Johannes Noordstar
- Division of Pediatrics, Child Development and Exercise care research - Wilhelmina Kinderziekenhuis
- Division of Pediatrics, Speerpunt
- Child Health - PHD candidate
Person: Assistant Professor, PHD Candidate - Other
Berbe Paes, MSc
Person: Assistant Professor - medical
Marijn Peters
Person: Researcher/Postdoc
Berent Prakken
- Education Center (Research)
- Division of Pediatrics, Immunology patient care
- Child Health - Professor
- Infection & Immunity - Professor
Person: Full Professor
Elise van de Putte
Person: Full Professor
Jopje Ruskamp
Person: Assistant Professor - medical
IMB Russel-Kampschoer
Person: Assistant Professor - medical
Roos-Anne Samsom
Person: Research Analyst
Hanneke van Santen
- Division of Pediatrics, Endocrinology patient care
- Brain
- Cancer
- Child Health - Associate professor
Person: Associate Professor - medical
Matthew Smith
Person: Researcher/Postdoc
Sacha Spelier, MSc
Person: Researcher/Postdoc, PHD Candidate - OIO
Bianca Streng, MSc
Person: PHD Candidate - Medical
Joost Swart
Person: Associate Professor - medical, Assistant Professor - medical
T Takken
Person: Associate Professor